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We have received the EFR certificate

Last January, Grupo Tejedor Lázaro was audited by AENOR, in order to obtain the Familiarly Responsible Company certification, with the aim of determining the conformity of the management system of the conciliation that exists in the group, as well as the effectiveness of the tools and practices used, without forgetting the commitment of the continuous improvement.

We are pleased to inform you that all the reports have been favourable and for this reason the Fundación Másfamilia has awarded the EFR© certificate to both Dibaq Group and Derwent Group.

The result has been the sum of the contribution of each and every one of the people who make up this great team. In Grupo Tejedor Lázaro we have bet on a culture that focuses on people’s wellbeing, from a perspective that covers the work, personal and family dimensions of each of us. With the efr certification, we reaffirm our commitment to people and at the same time it is a guarantee that our policies are differentiated, balanced and favour the creation of a more flexible, competitive and fair society. We are delighted to become part of the efr family and to start building synergies with other leading companies in conciliation that will allow us to achieve excellence.

Consult here the network of efr entities.