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Dibaq awarded for its participation in the Fruto de los Valores (Results of the Value) initiative

The Asociación Empresa Familiar de Castilla y León (Castile and Leon Family Business Association) has given Dibaq Group an award for its participation in the "Fruto de los Valores" Initiative.

 José Luis Tejedor collected this prize during the General Assembly of the association held on 22 February. We would like to wholeheartedly congratulate the team on its achievements!

Fruto de los valores is an initiative promoted by the Empresa Familiar de Castilla y León association to publicize the role of this type of businesses in the economy and society, contributing to a positive image of the figure of the family entrepreneur and promoting the entrepreneurial spirit. The project is aimed at society in general, although with particular emphasis on the younger population, with the programming of lectures, visits to companies and other activities.